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The Archive

Timeless Articles From Previous Issues


The Mythology of Merit

By: Connor Reardon


Certain myths surrounding the American notion of meritocracy, often perpetuated by financiers and their political allies, are being constantly impressed upon the American psyche, though in recent years, more scrutiny has been given to these illusory notions. What are these myths and notions of which I speak, you may wonder? Allow me to explain.

Understanding the Conflict in Ethopia

By: Ryan Lafferty


One year ago, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in forging peace with Ethiopia’s regional enemy, Eritrea. At the time, the award was seen as a recognition of Ethiopia’s commitment to peace, tranquility, and collaboration. But in the past several weeks, Ahmed’s actions could be described as anything but peaceful: days of fierce bombing and targeted airstrikes have brought the nation to the brink of civil war. Now, many international leaders fear that one of the most populous nations on the African continent may soon be submerged in a bloody, sectarian conflict.

Peruvian Unrest

By: Ceclia Williams


Peru is in a state of outrage after former President Martín Vizcarra was impeached among unproven allegations that he was receiving bribes (up to 2.3 million soles or $640,000 USD) in exchange for government contracts. Vizcarra denied these allegations, but to no consequence as he was unexpectedly voted, and forced out of power on Monday, Nov. 9. He followed the announcement by claiming he would leave the presidential palace and return home in peace.



An Afternoon at the Museum

By: Andrew Maglio


As the oldest public art museum in the United States, the Atheneum has long housed some of the world's most dazzling pieces from history’s greatest painters, sculptors and sketch-artists. I want to bring you through my visit and recount some of the highlights. Hopefully at the end, you will want to go too.

The Importance of the Free Press

By: Samantha Bernstein-Naples​


The ability to openly criticize a government on platforms that can reach people across a nation at its peak can spur revolutions in times of injustice and when citizens are faced with an oppressive government. At its very core, it allows those with opposing views to openly and freely express their standpoints and report on the government without fear of punishment or of having their voices stifled. 

NASA and Privatization

By: Ethan Mathieu


On November 15th, at precisely 7:27pm EST, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Rocket launched with NASA astronauts on board. It is yet another example of the private sector working in conjunction with the government to maintain American prestige in space. Space is becoming more about maintaining a bottom line, and less about science for science’s sake. But how did we get here and what does this type of private-public partnership mean for space exploration moving forward?

Safe Holiday Celebrations

By: Samantha Bernstein-Naples​


Back in March, most of us never would have guessed that the threat of the Coronavirus would extend through the summer, let alone well into the fall. Now, eight months later, as Thanksgiving and the December holidays approach, not only is the Coronavirus showing no signs of slowing down, it is actually picking up steam at a frightening pace ...

Examination of the Conard Chieftain 

By: Alexandra Bernstein-Naples


As the oldest public art museum in the United States, the Atheneum has long housed some of the world's most dazzling pieces from history’s greatest painters, sculptors and sketch-artists. I want to bring you through my visit and recount some of the highlights. Hopefully at the end, you will want to go too.


We Regret To Inform You...

By: Fallon Moore

For a high school senior, those five words are amongst the worst they could see atop a letter from their dream school. These five words are often followed by more from friends and family, with, “it wasn’t meant to be,” “it’s their loss,” or sometimes, with more colorful language. But in reality, these words don’t matter. There is one harsh truth: rejection is hard, but it’s inevitable. Since everyone will go through it at one point or another, and most of us may experience it soon, here are some things to remember about the college admissions process and rejection as a whole.

Tres viajeros:

By: Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind

A short story written in Spanish about the difficulties of travel.

Should The United Kingdom Leave The European Union?

Debators: Ryan Lafferty (No) and Jayanth Karuturi (Yes)

New in our January edition, the Conard Courant brings you the first installment of of our debate column. Two students will present their opposing viewpoints on a politically divisive issue to further the environment of open, free, and civil discourse here at Conard High School. If you would like to participate, please contact one of the editors. 

The Benefits of Studying Another Language

By: Maggie Heller

Basic knowledge of a second language can reap enormous benefits over time. It allows you to communicate with people who you might not otherwise get the chance to speak to, it broadens your cultural horizons, it can make traveling significantly easier, and it can stand out to employers as you enter the workforce. Additionally, many colleges are looking for 2 to 3 years of World Language in applicants. Luckily, Conard has a fantastic language department that offers classes in a variety of languages, including Spanish, French, Chinese, Latin, and Ancient Greek, as well as American Sign Language.

International Rundown

By: Eli Wizevich  

Are you interested in learning some quick facts regarding current issues facing countries around the world?  Wondering where countries stand on certain issues?Take a look at what's happening around the world during the month of November.

The Rise of the Rest

By: Ryan Lafferty

In the aftermath of World War II, the United States assumed a position that no previous world power had ever faced: rebuilding a world shattered by a war of brutal proportions, reconstructing a world order fragmented by isolationism and authoritarianism, and restoring a world plagued by war, chaos, and instability...

What Makes a Classic?

By: Ethan Mathieu 

Most people picture a specific list of books when asked to name a classic. It is a
definition that has been forged through years of English classes and the rave recommendations of local librarians.  What do you consider to be a classic?

The Legacy of the Pumpkin

By: Grace Policelli

As a senior, the thought of my legacy is one that I have begun to think a lot about. What will I leave behind at Conard High School? What precedent will I set? I soon realized that...

Vaping: A National Response

By: Rebeccah Fleischmann

How has recent legislation cracked down on vaping and its associated health consequences?

Computer Science At Conard

By: Ryan Lafferty

In the modern era, computers are everywhere, and they have come to play crucial roles in our daily lives. Some last-minute holiday shopping? There’s Amazon for that! Confused on that math assignment? There’s Khan Academy for that! Interested in tomorrow’s weather forecast? There’s Google for that! Digital technologies have irreversibly and irrevocably changed the way we live our lives – and for the most part, for the better.

Conard's 2019

By: Melissa Romberg

I talked with Mr. Duarte about Conard’s 2019 and even about the changes to Conard over the Past 10 years and what the future has to hold for Conard. Mr. Duarte has been at Conard for 17 years, and has spent 7 years as our school’s principal.

Debunking Common Climate Misconceptions:

By: Isabelle Burnett-Herkes

In the age of climate activism, you may be tired of hearing “save the turtles” and feel like you’re constantly bombarded with contradicting information concerning climate change.  With such a vast spectrum of information pulling you in all different directions, people are left vulnerable and confused about what’s actually going on....

Why U.S. History Class Matters

By: Ethan Mathieu 

Amid discussions of budget cuts and graduation prerequisites, schools are often forced to decide which classes are most essential to a broad learning experience. In other words, what should every graduate definitely know? U.S. History is one of those classes.

Pete Buttigieg Should Not Be President

By: Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind

In April, I was thrilled to hear that a young gay man had entered the Democratic primary. His name was Pete Buttigieg, ...

Math Puzzles

By: Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind

Do you love Math? Are you looking for a challenge? Check out these puzzles!

​Eight Kittens

By: Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind

A short story (about kittens)

Conard at the Yale Track Classic

By: Andrew Maglio

This past weekend on Friday, January 10th, and Saturday the 11th, the fervor radiating from Coxe Cage was palpable. Nearly two dozen athletes represented Conard High School at the annual Yale Interscholastic Track Classic, held in New Haven, CT. Competing with dozens of teams from all across the Northeast, our Chieftains had a very strong showing, setting ‘PR’s (personal records), securing medals, and even climbing in state and national rankings!

Politics is not a Science

By: Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind

We already know that corruption and selfish political interests can warp the system of checks and balances, a system which assumes moral impartiality and independence of thought. Learn about the gray areas of politics.

The Demise of the Golden State Warriors

By: Bobby Gerity

The dynasty of utter dominance through finesse and grace officially met their demise on October 31st as their leader, the man who orchestrated the entire operation, broke his left hand on an Aron Baynes ballscreen. This injury of Stephen Curry was followed by the sharp cascade of consequential wounds that destroyed this team...


Damsel Not In Distress 

By: Izzy Natchez

The Woman With the Flowers

By: Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind

An Inconvenient Digital Truth

By: Ethan Mathieu

The Choir Skirt That Started It All

By: Ivy Nguyen & Sara Rodonis

Conard High School's Premier Student Forum and News Organization

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