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Computers For Coronacation

By: Rebeccah Fleischmann

Ever since Coronavirus has become a pandemic, many of us have been scrambling to buy food and water for two weeks, if not longer, that we will be isolated in our own homes. Yet, another necessity, education, is often forgotten. In the West Hartford Public School system, many of my peers live in expensive homes with home wifi and multiple computers, yet, we don't realize that in the same town, 27% of our peers qualify for free or reduced lunch and cannot afford these same luxuries. This problem does not only exist in West Hartford; a 2019 study revealed that 3 million US students don't have home internet. Now that the food issue has been addressed by establishing drop off areas for free meals, we must turn to what will become the next necessity for all students as we all start online school for the next months: a home computer and a home wifi connection.  Please donate whatever you are able to, even one dollar will help supply children and teenagers in West Hartford and eventually the US with wifi and computers that they need to have an education.


Here is a link to the Go-Fund Me:


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