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Letter From the Editorial Board - Summer Edition

Dear Conard,

This unusual year is just a mere days away from coming to a close. It has been our pleasure to provide a platform for the student body to speak their mind this year and will remain committed to continuing so, alongside providing quality journalism, in the future.

In this issue you will find an analysis of politics' role in the classroom, a reflective interview of our Class President, and a piece from a senior looking back on her high school experience among many other topics.

As always, reach out via e-mail if you are interested in joining the newspaper next year. Remember, The Conard Debrief is always open if you have something you want to submit. Also, follow us @theconardcourant to remain up to date on the actions of the newspaper.

We hope you enjoy the issue!


The Conard Courant Editorial Board


Conard High School's Premier Student Forum and News Organization

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