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Care for Your Garden: The Conard Restoration Project

By: Sofia Turek

Overall Plan:

Every plant that is mentioned is a native species that fits our climate.


Replant every year except if it says "perennial".


April-early May:

The soil is sprinkled with coffee grounds. This acts as a natural fertilizer.

We’ll plant various flowers and vegetables: tulips (perennial), peas, irises (perennial), and hydrangeas (perennial).


Mid May-July:

Summer break!

But if you want to garden, plant tomatoes (replant every May) and black beans (replant every May, only water if dry soil, grow vertically if pole variety).



Fall! Nothing beats fall like squash and pumpkins!



If you want plants to survive a cold winter, grow lilies (perennial) and pansies.

Few vegetables can grow in harsh winters. My mom lets garlic bulbs or sets grow over the winter.

But if you expect blizzards or heavy snow storms, the best bet is to transplant the plants in the fall.



Take a break from the garden if the winter is harsh.

If there’s a mild winter, keep watering the plants until early winter.

Grow strawberries and rhubarb.

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