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Student Council Polls 400+ Students

By: Connor Reardon

For those readers who are unaware, the Student Council recently conducted a survey through google forms regarding the Hybrid 2.0 schedule, and how students are handling the unprecedented school situation. The survey touched on subjects such as ability to remain focused, concerns about extracurriculars, and the overall Hybrid 2.0 system. In addition, open ended questions gave students the opportunity to give their own direct input on a number of matters.


The objective of this survey, which had over 400 responses, was to give student representatives an understanding of the student body’s opinions of the situation, and to see how everyone is handling the way of doing things. The results of the survey were very insightful for the Student Council, with many students requesting that a case be made for a uniform system of breaks, more in-class interaction with peers, and direct communication with the administration, among other things.


At this time, steps are already being taken to make that very case. A presentation detailing the results as well as the vital information which can be extracted from these statistics, has been prepared, and will be delivered by the Student Council at a faculty meeting in the coming weeks. With the close collaboration of Principal Duarte, who has expressed great interest in not only the information itself, but its use among the faculty, the Student Council has been given an extraordinary opportunity to directly voice the concerns of the students to faculty.


The presentation is set to be delivered in the coming weeks, and discussion of the data amongst the faculty will immediately follow it. The Conard Courant will publish updates regarding the results of the meeting, as well as further reports on the activities of the Student Council. Going forward, the Student Council intends to carry out other projects like this in order to adequately represent the interests of students to faculty and the administration. Updates regarding any plans of this nature will also be published in The Conard Courant.


So far, this project has been a very successful venture, and with the enthusiastic support of the administration, and what will hopefully be the open ears of the faculty, it will become a precedent as far as ways to represent student interests are concerned. 

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