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Interactive Map Courtesy of 270towin

We are not political scientists, and this is by no means fact.

6:20 PM: Trump has maintained a steady double digit lead since May, with no significant upsets in turn out, The Conard Courant projects that both Indiana and Kentucky will go to Trump, although the margin of the win may be smaller.


7:38 PM: While there is no reported vote count, AP exit poll data has made it clear that Trump should. carry the state.


7:52 PM: On the heel of Governor Scott's cross-party vote for him, The Conard Courant expects Joe Biden to win the state of Vermont comfortably. This echoes CNN and NYT projections.


8:05 PM: VT (Biden), MA (Biden), DE (Biden), MD  (Biden) and OK (Trump) all reflect consistent trends polling, and, now that they have closed, we are confident to call these states to their respective winners.


8:52: As the night ramps up, more obvious calls will not get an explanation. Biden gets a lean in VA because most of the northern votes aren't in yet and that is heavily Democrat; he's not far behind with most of the Republican section in. 


9:23: We've called Florida, as Trump has consistently maintained a lead throughout the night and most of the votes are in. Counties Biden should win have been counted.


11:04: CA, WA, MO, IL and OR calls round out our coverage for the evening. These calls are based on consistent polling and historical data, no major changes.


12:00PM: WIth 84% of the vote reported, Joe Biden maintains a 4 point lead, with both counties left to be counted highly favorable to biden, it will be nearly impossible for Trump to recover, which is why we are confident to call lean AZ to Biden. With 86% of the vote reporting it is unlikely that Trump will be able to regain the margin necessary for him to take Nevada, such, we are calling it for Biden as well, putting him within striking distance of the 270 margin of victory..


1:10 The WEC announced that the only counties left in Wisconsin make up less than 600 total votes. As a result The Conard Courant is giving a slight edge to Joe Biden here, as he currently maintains a lead in the state. 


[11:41AM, Nov 7th] Biden projected to win the presidency by The Conard Courant. Biden has a nearly insurmountable lead in PA, and is only 3,000 short of avoiding an automatic recount. AZ was called by major news networks and Biden has maintained a steady lead there. In NV the remaining counties lead Democrat and Biden already has a lead. In GA the remaining ballots lean Democrat and the Democrats are putting up reasonable fights for the Senate seats. With all of that, Biden has 3 pathways to presidency while Trump would have to carry all of these states to force a 269-269 tie; incredibly unlikely. 

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