How To Succeed At Conard - A Guide
By: Rebeccah Fleischmann, Rachel Deren, and Levi Yelin
When at school
Ask questions even when you get the topic to cement your understanding
Use your free periods efficiently- go to the library to study or visit a teacher that you need to make up work in
When at home
Plan out your homework/studying schedule when you get home
If you are really tired when you get home from school, listen to yoga nidra (rod stryker on youtube is highly recommended)
Always prioritize sleep over studying, you will do better if you are well-rested
Suggestions on efficiency
No, you CAN'T delay that assignment to the last minute, DO IT NOW.
Remove all possible distractions from your work environment. Phone, TV, etc.
Some music can be helpful for you to focus, like lo-fi hip hop beats or binaural beats to relax/study with.
Study Groups
If in a study group, make sure you put away your phones
Don’t make a group with friends you know you’ll end up chatting with (ie best friends, people you haven’t seen for awhile)
Stress management
Spend some time outside or go out with friends when you need to so you don’t suffer from overload or a meltdown
Go to bed before 10:30 (I know it sounds early, but you actually need to sleep, especially if you are getting up before six thirty)
Light some candles or use a diffuser, it will calm you down before bed
Drink caffeinated tea in the mornings and not coffee- coffee has sugar and less caffeine than most caffeinated teas such as green tea or black tea.
Eat breakfast because you do energy whether you’re hungry or not
Find a hobby to relieve stress such as exercise, music, art, writing, venting, binging a tv show, etc.
Meditate daily using youtube, headspace, or a cd or do yoga at the studio or at home (youtube)
Put on your favorite song and dance it out (for five to ten minutes) and then resume your work.
English - Essays
Know your audience - every teacher is different, make sure you understand their expectations of you and of the assignment
Never use ‘I’ in your essay/paper
Your thesis should go something like this: “In book title by author, the message or motif is shown/presented/etc. Because it is essential, imperative, important, etc. for growth, healing, etc., depends on your thesis”
Always cite your source with (page number, author) or (lines, author)
Always double space it because most teachers will mark it late until you do so
Put your name at the top with your period because teachers need all the help they can get with grading
Make yourself a formula sheet with all of the important formulas and a mind map for how to do complex problems. Memorize this before you go to sleep the night before the test
Practice one of each type of problem before the test
Study with every resource you can (Khan Academy once you are in Biology or later is really helpful)
These are the subject you want to study groups for because that way you can hear everyone’s knowledge and combine it for the exams and tests
Most of this class is common sense. Take good notes in class, but also focus on understanding the concepts, as there are a lot of application problems on tests/quizzes.
Take notes in class
Star the names of concepts or chemicals (In psych, star terms like dopamine and serotonin)
Study for quizzes and exams using Quizlet or Khan Academy when on your own
Know what time period/events you have to know
Focus on understanding for AP classes, and pure memorization for standard classes
Make sure you understand concepts for the more ‘modern’ classes (ones that apply to today and not just the past such as Gov)
Make sure you can remember the vocabulary for your unit (It may pop up on quizzes and tests)
Do as much work as possible in class especially essays! Try to finish essays ahead of deadlines to get feedback from your peers and your teacher.
For research, choose a topic that you are truly passionate about.
Computer Science Courses
Ask questions to understand the material!
Use the internet to learn how to use MIT app inventor 2.
Work together with your peers, they can help spot errors in your code
Languages - Spanish/French/Latin/Chinese/Greek/ASL
Study the conjugations and the questions because they are very important, especially in French and Spanish
Practice speaking projects with a classmate, parent, or friend so they can critique your accent or fluency.
The most important components of languages are grammar and vocab. Grammar is simple memorization and you can make acronyms for the irregular verbs. For vocab quizzes, Quizlet is very helpful!
Visual Arts
Just draw/paint/sculpt what the teacher tells you to for the project. It’s very easy, and fun. Compared to other classes it’s much better to deal with. You can even listen to YouTube while you do it.
16. Midterms/Finals
Take all your old quizzes, test, and notes from the semester and go over what you struggled on so you can spend extra time studying on the topic you had the most trouble with.
Write down the questions to your previous quizzes and test on a separate piece of paper and try to answer them without looking at the answers, it’s a good way to measure how much you know.
Make sure to get plenty of sleep and eat well the days of your examinations, I know it can be hard when your nervous. So try to take your mind off the stress by doing something you like. Play with your pet, listen to music, watch a funny video, run, bike, play your favorite sports or video games. It’s ok to spend a little time for yourself during this time, just make sure to leave plenty of time to review.