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Conard's March Madness

By: Emily Fleischmann


A snail, slugging by slowly and endlessly with no pause. In comparison, the month of January felt like an everlasting period of stress with no foreseeable end. Nonetheless, days will continue to come and pass bringing new daily challenges to handle. This future feels daunting and there is no seemingly plausible resolution, as we persistently have to do tasks (whether academically or in the workplace) to ultimately succeed in life.


When considering what action to take to help fix this problem, one answer is glaringly obvious: provide extra days off. Yes, we do get the weekend to rest and prepare for the following week. However, this may not always be enough to benefit students. During especially hard periods of time, it can be draining to have to wake up early and attend school for a significant portion of the day. Due to this fact, providing mental health days will allow people to get the “brain break” they need so to speak and to feel more rested and prepared to return to their schedule as normal. Doing so may even allow people to perform better with the work they complete after receiving more down time to recuperate.


The aforementioned “harder” periods of time for people tend to be the months towards the beginning of the year. This can be attributed to a multitude of factors: the new year is an opportunity people are taking to focus on themselves and get their lives together, it’s midterm season, school sports are in full swing, and normal stressors continue to persist along with multiple other issues. However, these problems don’t just stop on January 31st. Even as the year begins to progress, it remains hard for many to continue on living normally without feeling burnt out. Another month where this may be a significant issue is, you guessed it, March.














The Burnout to Prevent


A worrying fact about March is that it doesn’t come with a single day off for holiday. While this may currently feel like no big deal, the infrequent extra time off from school (for snowdays, holidays, etc.) brings a time to extensively relax and destress. March is inherently overwhelming, as it’s when we approach the last final push to finish off the school year. Having no extra days off brings only disadvantages, as it just prolongs any anxiousness felt by students.


While it’s unrealistic to believe multiple mental health days can be implemented within the school year immediately, the month of March is a great place to start with at least one.  


Image Citations: 

  1. Learn Hub


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